This application was built using Svelte, Skeleton and Tailwind.
See the GitHub repo for more information.
For the ripple-effect, the svelte-ripple-action NPM package was installed.
To add the Ripple effect to a button or anchor tag, you can use the svelte action.
<button class="btn variant-filled-primary" use:ripple>primary</button>
The default color of the ripple is set to the text color with 28% opacity.
Theme files
The theme for this app is configured in two files:
- material.ts the main theme file
- app.postcss contains some extra styles & CSS corrections
The ripple effect cannot be added to child elements of pre-built components because these elements (i.e. buttons) are not exposed to the developer and "use:ripple" cannot be added.
Pre-built components such modals, paginators and steppers - will not have the ripple effect added unless you configure JavaScript to add ripple effects automatically/globally.